Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Big Plans...

Most likely this blog will go like the others I have started, i.e. 1 or 2 posts a day for a few days then nothing ever again. Big world though, anything is possible. I aim to post some snippets, screenshots, and builds of a 3D disc golf game I have been wanting to write for the last few years. I'll probably also use this space to rant about my disc golf skills, and the level that it has sunk to recently. Basically its just a test case for me to get up to speed on 3D and C#. I have been coding as a hobby since I was around 14 and have been a professional developer for the last 3 or so years but since I started working i've only learned 1 new language/technology, j2me. I feel like I learn the most in general about software development when I am learning a new language. Plus i feel that now that I am not writing games I need to do something to keep my hand in for when I eventually get tired of doing high reliability medical software (boring!). In the next few days I hope to write up a few posts detailing what I've done so far and then layout what I think the correct way to move forward is.

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